Family 2014

Family 2014

Family 2010

Family 2010

Sisters - 2010

Sisters - 2010

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


I would like to start off by saying something very important. THANK YOU to all of our wonderfully amazing family and friends. I have never felt so much love and support and it means the world to me. I can face what I have in front of me calmly and rationally because we have such a strong support system under us. Our family and friends hold us up and keep us going strong. We say prayers with the girls before bed and we say "Thank you God for all of our family and friends. Bless them all like they have blessed us". I feel so lucky and grateful that I can say that. So, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

I have been through a lot lately. I am going through many trials that test my ability to stay strong, positive and open minded. I always say that we dont have a choice other than to be happy. I also say, "float above it" - rise above the chaos and overload and look at myself a little less seriously. This is my path and I can walk with my head held high or go kicking and screaming but I still have to go. I know that it will be ok. I know that no matter what life throws at me I can find the silver lining. MAN! that is next to impossible sometimes and MAN! do I get grumpy and stressed sometimes (Rick will attest to that one). But if I can take the time out and look at all that I have. Look at all the blessings in my life. Remind myself to be appreciative and respectful for what I DO have. My mom always used to say "Stop feeling sorry for yourself". At the time when I was young and she told me this I was pissed! I wanted her to feel sorry for me and coddle me. Now, I agree with her. I say, "Get up, paint a smile on your face and just handle it!" There really isnt any other way. I still need a hug sometimes though :-) xoxoxo


  1. {{{Hugs}}} prayers and love from the Wheeling Brakels :)

  2. Hi Cristy

    Your posts touch me so deeply. I constantly keep you all in my thoughts and prayers.
